Monday, December 7, 2009

How Probiotics Help your Skin

I'm sure by now that everyone that is interested in Probiotics has a good understanding about how amazing they are in jump starting your digestive system. I admit that is the entire reason for why I picked them up in the first place. Everyone, even if they are afraid to admit it, want to be regular and want to flush all of that excess waste out daily. And if you haven't given probiotics a chance yet WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? But for those of you that are still on the fence I have another reason to help you believe that these pills work miracles.

That's true not only do probiotic pills help heal your digestive system they are also great for your SKIN! That's right, your skin. Beyond all of the commercials and advertisements out there that try to tell you that you need to go see a dermatologist and that you should spend crazy amounts of money on medicine and procedures to cure your acne or imperfections I'm here to tell you that probiotics can do the exact same thing. Probiotics, if you don't already know, are live strands of good bacteria. These are the exact same bacteria that already exist in your body right now that help prevent disease. In addition, these good bacteria can help fight off the bad stuff that you put into your body each day by helping prevent breakouts and acne. One of the main causes of acne is the food we consume each day, remember that cheeseburger you had the other day for lunch? That could be directly affecting the amount of blackheads you have on your face. Now I am not here to say that by taking a probiotic pill each day you can continue to eat poorly and everything will be better, I am suggesting that if you are looking to improve your health and overall appearance that probiotics can go a long way to help. Just think, you'll be killing two birds with one stone!

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